South Bay Cold Storage and Handling, and Universal Fish Handling have Joined Together!

South Bay Cold Storage and Handling  (213)612-0881

Universal Fish and Handling (213)612-0881

South Bay Cold Storage and Handling began in 1984 as Los Angeles Seafood Handling Co. on 3rd St in the Boyle Heights section of Los Angeles. We opened the new plant in 1991 and expanded in 1995 and again in 2019.


During the current events, we have resumed normal hours of operation though we are still experiencing longer than usual wait times on Mondays and Thursdays due to heavier than typical demand and a shortage of labor.

Covid19 has necessitated some changes

Warehouse Address:

1351 Elwood St

Los Angeles CA 90021

Hours of Operation

Sunday:         07:00-11:00AM Daytime Receiving

                       21:00 for Receiving

Monday:       04:00-14:00 Shipping

Tuesday:       04:00-14:00 Shipping and Receiving

Wednesday: 04:00-1400 Shipping and Receiving

                       21:00 Open for receiving

Thursday:     04:00-14:00 Shipping

Friday:          Midnight-14:00 Receiving

                      04:00-14:00 Shipping

Saturday:     0600-1400 Shipping and Receiving



Los Angeles County has rescinded the mask mandate and masks are optional.

Contact information:

Jake Bochove, President                       
Trinidad Guevara                                   

Luis Sanchez Operations SBCS&H       

Rick Torres Operations UFH                                                   

General Email                                        

Office Phone (213)612-0881

                                 FAX (213)612-0215 (213)612-0378